
Creating a LinkedIn Company Page that Gets Results

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page

LinkedIn should be part of your strategic marketing plan if your company is selling, partnering, or in some way working with other businesses. LinkedIn is where businesses connect and engage with other companies and executives. B2B thrives on LinkedIn.

Every day, millions of buyers search for products and services on LinkedIn. Products and services just like those you offer. As such, it’s no surprise that 80% of B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn.

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page to Set You Apart

What’s the key to being relevant on the LinkedIn professional social media site? First, it starts with creating a LinkedIn company page that will attract people to it. Using all the bells and whistles, you can make it appealing and informative.

Start Creating a LinkedIn Company Page Now

Statistics show that completed LinkedIn company pages get 30% more weekly views. LinkedIn makes it easy to know if your page is completed. They provide a barometer at the top of your page to let you know if you haven’t finished something. If you can, everything should be completed to provide someone who stops by your page with the best user experience.

Rather than just completing the page to get it done, be unique. Stay on point with your brand and corporate creativity, but don’t have a banner that looks like all the other business banners companies have.

Competitors Pages

At first glance, these two companies are competitors, and their LinkedIn company pages look very similar, Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. While both look good and their approach is understandable, perhaps something more unique would make their pages stand out more. What do you think?

Your Imagery: Clean and Clear Logo

Make sure your logo is clear and looks good against the banner backdrop. How does this look compared to your website? You want it to have the same feel and perhaps even the exact look so that visitors recognize it immediately as being your company.

If you don’t have a company logo, there are a multitude of places to get them. A professionally designed logo is always best, but if funds are short, find an online source that creates them for free.

If you don’t have a logo or cover image, contact us. We can create something for you.

LinkedIn sizing: Logos should be sized at 300x300 and cover images at 1536x768.

Number of Characters Allowed in LinkedIn Descriptions

These are the limits you have for characters (including spaces) for the LinkedIn company page text.

Company Name: 100 characters
About Us Section: 2000 characters
Status Update/Post: 700 characters

About Us Description

Don’t be bashful about using the space you are given for these descriptions. Some readers may only take a cursory glance at your About Section, so be sure to have the critical information in the first paragraph. It is acceptable to go into some detail after that as to what services or products you provide.

Make sure you use your keywords and hashtags in the About Us section and any descriptions on your page.

Click here to see our LinkedIn Company Page

Input Your Organization’s Details

This includes your website, headquarters, office location(s), industry, organization type, size, and hashtags. Do all of this to increase your searchability on the platform. The more information you provide, the more likely people searching for your services or products will find you. The words you pick are essential.


Ask yourself these key questions when writing your organization’s description:

  • Vision: What future do you want to help create?
  • Mission: How will you help create that future?
  • Values: What core values support your vision and decision-making processes?
  • Positioning: What makes your brand different?
  • Products/Services: What are your core product & service offerings?

These questions are those that every business should know about themselves. Frequently, smaller companies don’t take the time to decide who they are and how they want to grow. Answer these questions above, and you will have an excellent overview of your company that readers will enjoy and find beneficial.

When creating a LinkedIn company page, there are several things to be aware of.

  1. If you have a tagline, be sure to include it. If you don’t but don’t want to leave the tagline area vacant (you have the real estate, I suggest you use it), add a short business vision statement or text that describes what problems your business will solve for the readers.
  2. Pick a custom button that matches your goals for LinkedIn. Do you want them to contact you? Maybe prefer to send them to your website first? You aren’t stuck with one choice if you decide you want to change it later, so it may make sense to test what works best.
  3. Hashtags are essential in social media. Several years ago, LinkedIn added hashtags to their site, and now it is the best way to search and be found there. You only get to choose three #hashtags to add to your LinkedIn company page, so give them some thought.
  4. Be sure to choose a URL extension with your company name in it. Under the page info section of the set-up, you will find a box titled ‘LinkedIn public URL where you can add this. Your URL will then be com/company/your-company-name-here.LinkedIn members and search engines will use this unique URL to find your page. A page URL can’t be changed more than once in 30 days, so choose wisely. Plus, it will be better for SEO if you use the same one forever.
  5. Manage languages: if you sell in other countries or your readers are fluent in different languages, this is where you can make your page name and description available in those other languages.

How does your LinkedIn company page look? Now you are ready to begin posting on it. That’s the next step in making LinkedIn work for your B2B business.

Have questions about LinkedIn or other social media sites? We can help. Contact us.