The big question for your business may be where to spend your marketing time online. There are so many social media sites to choose from, and of course, there is also your Website.
One of the sites you may not have considered when you developed your marketing plan (you did put together a marketing plan, right?) is YouTube. Three reasons marketers typically don't use YouTube for business are the expense of creating the video, being seen on YouTube if you don't have a video that 'goes viral,' and lacking understanding of the fantastic advantages of using it.
First, let's address the cost of a video. Yes, having a professional photographer can be expensive. The look of a professional video is far superior to anything you create on your own. However, I suggest having a couple of professional, nicely done videos and then supplement your channel with in-house videos taken with a video camera or digital phone. You can even use still graphics to create a slide show video that will work well.
As for 'going viral,' you can shoot for that if it's your desire, but it isn't necessary to take advantage of all the benefits YouTube has to offer, especially in B2B marketing.
However, you might be surprised at how you can be creative enough to get your videos to go viral. Over the years, Blendtec blender has had an amusing YouTube channel called 'Will It Blend?' Their channel has 861,000 subscribers. Check out their channel.
You probably know that Google owns YouTube. Consequently, Google also likes to push YouTube videos to the top of search rankings. That alone makes YouTube a terrific place to spend your marketing time. In today's world, if you find something that helps with SEO, you grab onto it.
You read that correctly. When considered as a search engine, YouTube is almost at the top. YouTube is also the second-largest search engine in the world, only one site is more prominent, and that's Google.
Since the pandemic began, more businesses have realized that online marketing is essential to their business. Helping people find your business through SEO is more important than ever. Using YouTube to boost your SEO makes so much sense.
If you are so inclined, you can also advertise your business on YouTube. There are many great ways to do it and, depending on your product or service, it may make sense to do that.
Always make sure your channel is set up correctly and optimized to the fullest extent you are able. Otherwise, even advertising isn't going to help.
Using YouTube for business is a smart move. The numbers are astounding. It has the second largest number of active users at 2.29 billion registered users. There are likely significantly more users than that because it's possible to watch YouTube videos without having an active YouTube account.
Billions and billions of people search for the type of content you have available. Even B2B businesses have a potential audience of millions for their product or services. Tapping into the right content is the key to getting their attention.
When someone tells me they are using another video site to post their videos, I always tell them OK, but you have to use YouTube too because no other video site will give you the exposure that YouTube will
What better way to present your company branding to a large audience than to provide relevant video content that relays your brand in a way that viewers can digest easily?
In a video, you can attach your brand with logos, text, and visuals in an exciting way. Be sure your videos match your branding standards so you don't confuse your viewers.
I like to talk about the circle of life with marketing content. Everything should work together and develop a synergy that strengthens your brand and its message.
One way to deepen this circle of marketing content is to use and reuse your content in as many places as possible. Video is one of the most potent forms of shareable content available. Link from your YouTube channel to your email marketing and social media sites. Never assume someone will see it if you post it in one place. Besides, in marketing, it's all about repetition, repetition, repetition.
One of the goals of any good B2B marketing program is adding readers to your email list. I suggest it become one of your top goals.
Video works to grab attention, and then during or at the end of the video, ask them to join your email list. Yes, it's OK to do this. If someone finds your video content interesting or helpful, you want viewers to join your email list, but you need to ask.
You can also add a link to sign up for your email list in the video description or your channel about information.
Video marketing statistics show that 85% of U.S. internet users watch online video content each month on some device.
When developing your business YouTube channel marketing goals, make a plan and follow it. Using a calendar is helpful and will keep you on track with the right content.
While YouTube can be for business, it is a social site you can have fun with too. It's not only informative but can be a creative way to reach your targets.
Now is an excellent time to begin video marketing because it's still growing. Build a large YouTube business channel that your followers will want to go to over and over again. Like other types of marketing, consistency is critical. Posting a video every few months won't reap the rewards your business wants.
As you can see from this list of seven reasons, YouTube should be part of your B2B business plan.
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